Crassostrea gigas

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Crassostrea gigas is an estuarine species, but can also be found in intertidal and subtidal zones. They prefer to attach to hard or rocky surfaces in shallow or sheltered waters up to 40m deep, but have been known to attach to muddy or sandy areas when the preferred habitat is scarce. The Pacific oyster can also be found on the shells of other animals. Larvae often settle on the shell of adults, and great masses of oysters can grow together to form oyster reefs.


Originated from Japan, where it has been cultured for hundreds of years, it is now the most widely farmed and commercially important oyster in the world. The most significant introductions were to the Pacific coast of America in the 1920s and to France in 1966. In most places, the Pacific oyster was introduced to replace the native oyster stocks which were seriously dwindling due to overfishing or disease

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Credits: Fishbase, Sealifebase, Aquamaps



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